A payout is a transfer of funds from a user’s Dots wallet to an external account (such as a bank account). A payout can be initiated by a user through iFrames provided by Dots or though API calls made by the platform.

iFrame Payout

A platform can request a link from Dots through an API call and shown to the user embedded in an iFrame or WebView. The link is tied to a specific user and is valid for 15 minutes. The link’s appreance is customizable.

API Payout

A platform can request a payout through an API call as long as they have provided information about the payout method using the add_payout_method endpoint. The platform can then initiate the payout through the API.

A Payout Link is the easiest way to initiate a payout. The link does not need to be tied to a user and can be delivered via email or SMS. Once the link is claimed, the user will be able to pay themselves out in any method they choose.