The Sandbox environment lets you develop and test your integration without touching live funds.

Sandbox Environment

The Dots sandbox environment is a self-contained environemnt that simulates the live production environment. The sandbox provides a space where you can initate, experiment and watch transactions without touching live Dots accounts. We highly recommend that you use the sandbox to build out your integration, and only then reach out to upgrade to production keys

The sandbox mirrors all the features of live environment but has some minor differences that make it easy to test flows. For example, duplicate phone numbers are allowed in the sandbox but not in production.


The sandbox lives on its own domain at You can create an account and generate API keys. The API URL for the sandbox is similarly Every new account is funded with a $100 and more funds can always be added in.



Live bank accounts can be connected via Plaid but no transactions will go through. Please ensure that the Plaid interface is properly integrated into your application.


Any email can be connected to PayPal and all transactions will go through. Please be careful!


We recommend pointing all integration tests to the sandbox using developer keys.

Production Environment

The Dots production environment is the live environment. You can use this environment to send money to your customers. Access to the production environment can be requested by contacting us at