The Dots API provides two environments for integration:

EnvironmentDescriptionBase URL
SandboxAllows you to develop and test the integration without affecting live funds.
ProductionIt’s used for live transactions after successfully testing the integration.

You must inform the Dots API version when performing a request. Currently, the V2 Dots API is available. Therefore, when performing a request to the Production environment, for example, you must use the following URL:


Sandbox Environment

The Sandbox environment simulates the live production environment, enabling you to develop and test your integration safely. Use the Sandbox to build and verify your integration before upgrading to the Production environment.

The Sandbox environment provides the following features:

  • Mirrors all production features with minor differences to facilitate testing.
  • Allows you to use duplicate phone numbers, unlike the production environment.
  • Each new account is pre-funded with $100, and additional funds can be added as needed.

Sandbox Setup

To use the Sandbox environment, you should follow the steps presented below:

  1. Log in to the Dots Dashboard and toggle the View Sandbox Environment in the upper left corner. A SANDBOX MODE badge appears on the top of the page.
  2. Set up an application and generate API keys.
  3. Use for Sandbox API requests.

Sandbox Payouts

When using the Sandbox environment, some of the payout methods present specific behavior. Consider the following characteristics when executing a payout with the following methods:

ACHConnect live bank accounts via Plaid. Transactions won’t go through, but the integration should be verified.
PayPalAny email can be connected, and all transactions will return a successful response.
VenmoAny phone number can be connected, and all transactions will return a successful response.

Production Environment

The Production environment is used for live transactions.

Dots team recommends switching to the Production environment only after completing all necessary integration tests.

To request access to the Production environment, contact us at or through the Dots Dashboard, following the steps presented below:

  1. Log in to the Dots Dashboard and toggle off the View Sandbox Environment in the upper left corner. A PRODUCTION MODE badge appears on the top of the page.
  2. You need to set up a new application and generate new API keys.
  3. If you’re using Dots API, you must update the base API URL to