Webhooks allow you to receive real-time notifications of events in your Dots account. You can track Payout Links, Flows, and Transfers by setting up webhooks, enabling your application to respond immediately to changes and updates.

Configuring Webhooks

Each Dots App has its own webhook authentication credentials, which include the Webhook App ID and Webhook Integration Key. To find the webhooks information for your App, follow the steps:

  1. Access the Dots dashboard.
  2. From the sidebar, choose the desired App from your list.
  3. Navigate to the API Management tab for the webhook authentication information.

You will find the Webhook App ID and Webhook Integration Key here.

Dots uses Svix to manage webhooks. To configure a new webhook endpoint for your App, follow the steps:

  1. Click on Manage Webhooks in the API Management tab to access the Svix dashboard, where you will find all configured webhooks. Each App you create in Dots will have a different dashboard on the Svix.
  2. Click on + Add Endpoint to add a new webhook.
  3. Provide a URL or use an endpoint generated by Svix. Optionally, add a description to define the purpose of the webhook.
  4. Select the event types to which the endpoint should be subscribed. If no event is selected, the webhook will register for all events.
  5. Optionally, enable a rate limit for the endpoint.
  6. Click Create.

A new endpoint will be created to group all information from the notification received.

Available events

When creating an endpoint on Svix, you can subscribe to a wide list of events to receive notifications. The following accordions list the available events and present webhook notifications examples: