Flow Messages

Flows can send messages to your application using the postMessage API. Flows send two kinds of messages, the height of the iFrame and the status of the flow. To listen to these messages, you need to set up an event listener in your application.

  (event) => {
    if (!event.origin.startsWith("https://my.dots.dev")) return;


When the flow is loaded for the first time, the height of the iFrame is sent to the parent window. The format of the message is

    "height": number

When each step of the flow is completed, the status of the flow step is sent to the parent window. The format of the message is

        "step": "background-check",
        "status": "completed"

The status is completed for every step except for manage-payouts where it will be completed-saved in the case the user saves the settings without updating any settings.